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Software Testing Tutorial

Apr 27, 2022

Software Testing Tutorial


Software testing is an essential process in the development of software. It ensures that the software is free from bugs and does not have any errors.

Software testing tutorial:

- What is Software Testing?

- Types of Software Testing

- The Importance of Software Testing

- Benefits of Software Testing

What is Software Testing

Software testing is a process of evaluating the quality of the software. It is a fundamental part of the software development process.

Software testing can be done manually or automatically. Manual testing is done by a person who tests the software and reports any bugs or issues found, whereas automated testing is done by a computer program that executes test cases to find any bugs or issues in the software.

Testing can be classified into different categories based on its objective:

1) Unit Testing: this type of testing checks for errors in small pieces of code that are isolated from other parts of the system,

2) Integration Testing: this type of testing checks for errors in how different parts of an application work together,

3) System Testing: this type of testing checks for errors in how all parts work


Types of Software Testing

Black Box Testing: It is a software testing method in which the internal logic of the program is unknown to the tester. The tester knows only the input and expected output for any particular function. This type of testing does not require knowledge about programming languages, data structures, or how a computer works.

White Box Testing: It is a software testing method in which the internal logic of the program is known to both tester and programmer. This type of testing requires knowledge about programming languages, data structures, and how a computer works. White box testers are able to identify more bugs than black box testers because they have access to information that allows them to test every possible logical path within the code.

The Importance of Software Testing

Software testing is one of the main phases of the product improvement life cycle. It is vital to ensure that software functions as intended, and that it satisfies customer needs.

Software testing can be done at any point in the SDLC, but it is typically done during the latter stages of development. This is also when errors are more likely to occur, as developers have become accustomed to their code and may not notice mistakes.


Benefits of Software Testing

Software Testing is the process of evaluating a system or application by testing it under various conditions and scenarios.

Software testing is essential for any software development process because it helps find bugs and errors before releasing an application to customers. It also helps developers identify usability problems, design flaws, and security gaps in the system.

A lot of people think that software testing is just about catching bugs in an application or finding errors in a computer program. But there is a lot more to it than that - software testing involves evaluating the entire system, not just finding bugs.


Secure software is software that has been developed, tested and released with a reasonable level of confidence that it will not be subjected to unauthorized access, disruption or misuse.

There are many different methodologies for testing secure software. Some more popular ones are:

- Code review

- Static code analysis

- Dynamic code analysis

- Penetration testing

- Risk assessment

Quality check

Quality confirmation is a significant part of software development. It is the process of inspecting and testing software to ensure that it meets the requirements and quality standards before it is released.

There are many different types of quality checks that can be performed on a software product. They include design, code, user interface, performance, load and stress tests as well as usability testing.

Software testing tools are needed for every stage of the process - unit test automation tools for automated unit tests; functional test automation tools for automated functional tests; and load test automation tools for load or stress tests.

Software performance check

Software performance testing is a process of executing a software program with the intent of finding errors or defects. This can be done by using automated software testing tools or manual inspection.

Performance testing is an important phase in the software development life cycle, and it can be used to help identify and fix issues before the product is deployed.

Budget saving

Budget saving is a major concern for most companies. And, in today’s competitive market, it is important to find ways to save money. One way is through software testing.

Software testing can be done manually or with the help of automated tools and AI. Manual tests are usually done by a person who will go through the whole process of using the application and checking for any bugs or errors that need to be fixed. Automated tests are done by computers which do exactly what a human would do when they use an application; they look for bugs and errors that need to be fixed as well.

The benefits of automated testing include: saving time, reducing the number of man-hours needed for manual tests, identifying bugs faster than humans can, and ensuring consistency across different systems.


Software testing is a critical and integral part of the software development process. It is important for all involved in the process to be aware of its importance and how it can help in achieving higher quality products that are more user-friendly.

Ashok IT is one the best software training institute which provides various software courses with live training and placements.